Gender Affirming Therapy
I believe in the informed consent model. This means I believe you understand who you are, and my role is not to act as a gatekeeper to your goals. I’m here to provide information so you can make the best, most informed decision possible.
There are many barriers that fall under the gatekeeping system, but the most common appears to be financial. The financial barrier to care is a far too common form of gatekeeping and I will not pass that burden onto you.
I do not charge for writing letters or completing an assessment. If a letter is part of your counseling process with me, the letter will not cost extra on top of a session. Space is limited per month for gender affirming letters.
Did You Know?
A letter is not always required depending on the provider
Planned Parenthood offers an informed consent model for those 18+ and requires parental consent for those 17 years of age and younger. Additional information may be required and guidelines may change. Please contact your local Planned Parenthood for additional information.
Please note, I am not a physician and can only provide a certain amount of information. I do work from the WPATH SOC 8. For any medical questions please consult a doctor.
The Process
Therapy is not a requirement to obtain a letter for HRT. It is normal to have questions, doubts, and anxieties about taking the next step in the transition process. Finding a provider that understands you is important. If you are interested in therapy, you can schedule an appointment with me, and I will be happy to meet.
In order to provide a letter for gender affirming care an assessment will be completed to ensure you meet the criteria outlined in the WPATH SOC 8, but this does not mean therapeutic intervention needs to take place.
There is no minimum number of sessions required to obtain a letter. I don’t believe in gatekeeping, but because everyone is unique, the number of sessions won’t be determined until we meet. The number of sessions is typically between 1-4.
My goal with assessments is not for you to prove your gender to me. Medical transition is not a requirement to be valid in your identity, but medical transition may be something you desire. My role is to offer a space to provide information and to make sure you understand the process.